Canyon State Roofing & Consulting, Phoenix AZ

Roofing & Consulting in Phoenix, AZ
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4809 E Thistle Landing Dr #100, Phoenix, Arizona 85044

Canyon State Roofing & Consulting is Arizona roofing & consulting business (Services) located at 4809 E Thistle Landing Dr #100, Phoenix, AZ 85044. Canyon State Roofing & Consulting is categorized as Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Work (Primary SIC Code is 1761).

Canyon State Roofing & Consulting contact details & opening hours

(602) 400-1635
?Business hours / opening hours of Canyon State Roofing & Consulting.
Monday - Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM // Saturday: 9:00AM to 1:00PM

What services does Canyon State Roofing & Consulting offer?

Canyon State Roofing is owned and operated by a family that was born and raised right here in our great state of Arizona. If you need a roof replacement, or roof repair, we would love to earn your business. We strive everyday to be the best residential and commercial roofer in Arizona. In todayâ??s tough market, we know you have a choice in whom you hire to complete your roofing project. When you choose Canyon State Roofing, you can rest assured your hard earned dollars are staying right here in your community. If your roof leaks, and you need a roof repair or replacement, give us a call at 602-400-1635 today to schedule your complimentary consultation. Canyon State Roofing is owned and operated by natives of Arizona. We know how to install roofs that can withstand our unique desert climate, and our brutal Arizona Sun. Jim McLain, owner of Canyon State Roofing, has been roofing in Arizona since the 1980â??s! Canyon State Roofing is now offering many discounts to entice you to try us out. That, backed by our airtight warranties, customer service by people who actually care, and quality craftsmanship and materials make it a win-win-win for all our customers. Please check out our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau! Canyon State Roofing has been working hard become the most respected of all commercial roofing contractors in Phoenix, AZ. Our office is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, but we do work all over the valley. You can reach our office by phone at (602) 400-1635 or visit our website at Canyon State Roofing & Consulting 4809 E Thistle Landing Dr #100 Phoenix, AZ 85044 Office: 602-400-1635 Email: Website: Visit Our Blog: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Check us out on LinkedIn: Meet The Owner: Follow Us on Houzz: Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel:

For more information about the products and services offered by Canyon State Roofing & Consulting's visit our office located at 4809 E Thistle Landing Dr #100 in Phoenix, AZ 85044 (we are open Monday - Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM // Saturday: 9:00AM to 1:00PM ), or simply call: (602) 400-1635.

?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: roofing & consulting.

canyon state roofing & consulting from phoenix, AZ Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roof Installation, Re-Roofing, Shingle Roofs, Tile Roofs, Foam Roofs, Tile R&R, Duro-Last Roofs, Commercial Roofing, Property Management Roofingcanyon state roofing & consulting opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Canyon State Roofing & Consulting.
$1 - $10
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