Idaho Neighborhood Solutions, Boise ID

House Sell in Boise, ID
Click on star to rate Idaho Neighborhood SolutionsIdaho Neighborhood Solutions Current rating 4.8 based on 4 votes.
10400 W Overland Rd #151, Boise, Idaho 83709

Idaho Neighborhood Solutions is Idaho house sell business (Real Estate) located at 10400 W Overland Rd #151, Boise, ID 83709. Idaho Neighborhood Solutions is categorized as Real Estate Agents & Managers (Primary SIC Code is 6531).

Idaho Neighborhood Solutions contact details & opening hours

(208) 314-3410
?Business hours / opening hours of Idaho Neighborhood Solutions.
Mon - Sun Open 24 hours

What services does Idaho Neighborhood Solutions offer?

It doesn't matter what condition the house is in, or even if there are tenants in there that you can't get rid ofâ?? don't worry about it. We'll take care of it for you. And if you need the cash quickly, Idaho Neighborhood Solutions can close in as little as 7 days because we buy houses with cash and donâ??t have to rely on traditional bank financing.

For more information about the products and services offered by Idaho Neighborhood Solutions's visit our office located at 10400 W Overland Rd #151 in Boise, ID 83709 (we are open Mon - Sun Open 24 hours), or simply call: (208) 314-3410. According to our information, the Idaho Neighborhood Solutions Owner is Nathan and Tricia McMasters.

Nathan and Tricia McMasters (Owner)
?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: house sell.

idaho neighborhood solutions from boise, ID Sell my house boiseidaho neighborhood solutions opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Idaho Neighborhood Solutions.
$10 - $20
Update / remove listing. If you are owner of Idaho Neighborhood Solutions from Boise, and the business data is out of date, please use contact form to update or delete listing.

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