Amboy Pharmacy, Amboy IL

Miscellaneous Retail in Amboy, IL
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221 E Main Street, Amboy, Illinois 61310

Amboy Pharmacy is Illinois miscellaneous retail business (Stores) located at 221 E Main Street, Amboy, IL 61310. Amboy Pharmacy is categorized as Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores (Primary SIC Code is 5912).

Amboy Pharmacy contact details & opening hours

(815) 857-2323
(815) 857-7119
?Business hours / opening hours of Amboy Pharmacy.
Monday-Friday: 9AM - 5PM, Saturday: 10AM - 3PM, Sunday: Closed

What services does Amboy Pharmacy offer?

Amboy Pharmacy is proud to complement the services of our local healthcare providers through accurate and expedient prescription dispensing, as well as consultative and medication therapy management services. Our efficient team of technicians and pharmacists strive to provide prompt and friendly service.

We actively seek out programs designed to lower your drug and healthcare expenses. We have always been locally owned and operated, and always will be, we are here to serve our patients. Whether your concern is price, dealing with your insurance company or just understanding your options, Amboy Pharmacy cares!

For more information about the products and services offered by Amboy Pharmacy's visit our office located at 221 E Main Street in Amboy, IL 61310 (we are open Monday-Friday: 9AM - 5PM, Saturday: 10AM - 3PM, Sunday: Closed), or simply call: (815) 857-2323. According to our information, the Amboy Pharmacy Owner is Stephen Fleming.

Stephen Fleming (Owner)
?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: miscellaneous retail.

amboy pharmacy from amboy, IL prescriptions, diabetic services, medication therapy, elder careamboy pharmacy opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Amboy Pharmacy.
$1 - $999
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