Scoozzi Restaurant, Baltimore MD

Eating And Drinking Establishments in Baltimore, MD
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7625 German Hill Rd, Baltimore, Maryland 21222

Scoozzi Restaurant is Maryland eating and drinking establishments business (Food) located at 7625 German Hill Rd, Baltimore, MD 21222. Scoozzi Restaurant is categorized as Eating Places (Primary SIC Code is 5812). Last year company annual revenue was $1,552,000.

Scoozzi Restaurant contact details & opening hours

(410) 284-0030
?Business hours / opening hours of Scoozzi Restaurant.

What services does Scoozzi Restaurant offer?

For more information about the products and services offered by Scoozzi Restaurant's visit our office located at 7625 German Hill Rd in Baltimore, MD 21222, or simply call: (410) 284-0030. According to our information, the Scoozzi Restaurant Owner is Flip Filipakis.

Flip Filipakis (Owner)
?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: eating and drinking establishments.

scoozzi restaurant from baltimore, MD scoozzi restaurant opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Scoozzi Restaurant.
$1 - $999
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