Flint Area School Employees CU, Flint MI

Depository Institutions in Flint, MI
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4411 Calkins Rd, Flint, Michigan 48532

Flint Area School Employees CU is Michigan depository institutions business (Credit) located at 4411 Calkins Rd, Flint, MI 48532. Flint Area School Employees CU is categorized as Credit Unions, Federally Chartered (Primary SIC Code is 6061). Last year company annual revenue was $132,447,680.

Flint Area School Employees CU contact details & opening hours

(810) 720-8300
?Business hours / opening hours of Flint Area School Employees CU.

What services does Flint Area School Employees CU offer?

For more information about the products and services offered by Flint Area School Employees CU's visit our office located at 4411 Calkins Rd in Flint, MI 48532, or simply call: (810) 720-8300. According to our information, the Flint Area School Employees CU President is Jona Panzlau.

Jona Panzlau (President)
?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: depository institutions.

flint area school employees cu from flint, MI flint area school employees cu opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Flint Area School Employees CU.
$1 - $999
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