CR Muterspaw Lumber, Xenia OH

Full Line Of Hardwood Plywoods in Xenia, OH
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3039 U.S. Rt. 68 South, Xenia, Ohio 45485

CR Muterspaw Lumber is Ohio full line of hardwood plywoods business (Construction) located at 3039 U.S. Rt. 68 South, Xenia, OH 45485. CR Muterspaw Lumber is categorized as (Primary SIC Code is 1517).

CR Muterspaw Lumber contact details & opening hours

(937) 572-9663
?Business hours / opening hours of CR Muterspaw Lumber.

What services does CR Muterspaw Lumber offer?

C.R. Muterspaw Lumber is one of the top exotic wood suppliers in the U.S.A. Muterspaw Lumber sells the finest domestic, quartersawn, figured, and exotic hardwoods and exotic lumber to woodworkers both locally and worldwide. We also offer a full line of hardwood plywoods to compliment your woodworking needs. Local customers may sort through our inventory and hand select the lumber for their next woodworking heirloom.

For more information about the products and services offered by CR Muterspaw Lumber's visit our office located at 3039 U.S. Rt. 68 South in Xenia, OH 45485, or simply call: (937) 572-9663.

?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: full line of hardwood plywoods.

cr muterspaw lumber from xenia, OH cr muterspaw lumber opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by CR Muterspaw Lumber.
$1 - $999
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