Miller Hanover Insurance, Hanover PA

Insurance in Hanover, PA
Click on star to rate Miller Hanover InsuranceMiller Hanover Insurance Current rating 5.0 based on 2 votes.
334 High St, Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331

Miller Hanover Insurance is Pennsylvania insurance business (Insurance) located at 334 High St, Hanover, PA 17331. Miller Hanover Insurance is categorized as Insurance Agents (Primary SIC Code is 6411).

Miller Hanover Insurance contact details & opening hours

(717) 637-9265
?Business hours / opening hours of Miller Hanover Insurance.
Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 17:30

What services does Miller Hanover Insurance offer?

Insurance in Hanover provides peace of mind by protecting from unforeseen events. With coverage for accidents, property damage, and health issues, our insurance at Miller Hanover Insurance is reliable and affordable. Furthermore, our customer service is top-notch so you can be sure youre in good hands when it comes to your protection. When you suffer a loss, your first instinct is usually to try and recover as much of your lost money as possible. However, what if thats not possible? What if you cant replace the items that were lost or the money that was spent on those items? In those cases, your business may be able to turn to insurance to help cover the losses. Insurance can provide a source of money to pay for damages or expenses related to the loss. This might include paying for lost profits, covering costs associated with replacing damaged goods, or compensating people who were affected by the loss. Insurance can also protect businesses from lawsuits. Contact us today to learn more!

For more information about the products and services offered by Miller Hanover Insurance's visit our office located at 334 High St in Hanover, PA 17331 (we are open Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 17:30), or simply call: (717) 637-9265.

?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: insurance.

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?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Miller Hanover Insurance.
$1 - $2
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