Paden Beyeni, Seattle WA

Suburban, Local Transit And Interurban Highway Passenger Transport in Seattle, WA
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1405 S 245th St, Seattle, Washington 98198

Paden Beyeni is Washington suburban, local transit and interurban highway passenger transport business (Transportation) located at 1405 S 245th St, Seattle, WA 98198. Paden Beyeni is categorized as Local Passenger Transportation (NEC) (Primary SIC Code is 4119).

Paden Beyeni contact details & opening hours

(206) 240-5193
?Business hours / opening hours of Paden Beyeni.

What services does Paden Beyeni offer?

For more information about the products and services offered by Paden Beyeni's visit our office located at 1405 S 245th St in Seattle, WA 98198, or simply call: (206) 240-5193. According to our information, the Paden Beyeni Owner is Beyeni Paden.

Beyeni Paden (Owner)
?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: suburban, local transit and interurban highway passenger transport.

paden beyeni from seattle, WA paden beyeni opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Paden Beyeni.
$1 - $999
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