Hillsboro House B and B, Hillsboro WV

Bed & Breakfast in Hillsboro, WV
Click on star to rate Hillsboro House B and BHillsboro House B and B Current rating 5.0 based on 1 votes.
7431 Seneca Trail, Hillsboro, West Virginia 24946

Hillsboro House B and B is West Virginia bed & breakfast business (Lodging) located at 7431 Seneca Trail, Hillsboro, WV 24946. Hillsboro House B and B is categorized as Hotels and Motels (Primary SIC Code is 7011). Last year company annual revenue was $148,500.

Hillsboro House B and B contact details & opening hours

(304) 653-4895
?Business hours / opening hours of Hillsboro House B and B.

What services does Hillsboro House B and B offer?

The Hillsboro House Bed & Breakfast is a lovely Victorian home built in 1891 surrounded by the scenic mountains in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. It is located minutes from Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park with its lookout tower, Bear Town State Park, and the Watoga State Park. The area abounds with great hunting and fishing spots. The Hillsboro House Bed & Breakfast is a short drive from Cass Scenic Railroad, Snowshoe Ski Resort, and Cranberry Glades. It is also just minutes from the Greenbrier River, where you may enjoy hiking and biking.Be our guests in one of our tastefully decorated rooms. A king size bed awaits you in the Continental Room with Civil War picture adorning the walls. The Rose room has a full-size canopy bed for the romantic at heart, while the Abigail room holds appeal for the young at heart with a full size bed. The Retreat is separate from the main house with its own bathroom and a full size and queen beds.

For more information about the products and services offered by Hillsboro House B and B's visit our office located at 7431 Seneca Trail in Hillsboro, WV 24946 (we are open 24h), or simply call: (304) 653-4895. According to our information, the Hillsboro House B and B is Leah & Eugene Burford.

Leah & Eugene Burford
?Short words, phrases describing this business profile, in this case: bed & breakfast.

hillsboro house b and b from hillsboro, WV hillsboro house b and b opening hours, directions

?Minimum and maximum price value of product and services offered by Hillsboro House B and B.
$10 - $50
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